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Section 1. Name

The name of the Club shall be Tampa Bay Vettes, Inc., hereinafter referred to as “The Club” or as the “Nonprofit Corporation”. The Club is a Nonprofit Corporation under the laws of the State of Florida and as designated by the IRS.

Section 2. Office of the Corporation

The registered office of the Nonprofit Corporation shall be at 2002 E. 5th Ave, Ste 107, Tampa, FL 33605.  Each succeeding year the office shall be the address of the President of The Club.

Section 3. Purpose

The purpose of the club shall be to promote safe use and enjoyment of Corvettes and to share fellowship with club members and their families. The club should encourage trips, events and social activities for its members.

The Club also supports various charities as recognized by the Internal Revenue Service. Funds donated to Charity are derived from events specifically held for charity i.e., car shows, auctions. Members can also propose and sponsor an event to raise money for a specific charity. Funds raised for a charity must be identified as such and accounted for by the Treasurer in The Club financial ledger.

All sanctioned club events must be proposed to and approved by the Board of Directors at least one month in advance of the event.

Section 4.  Web Site

Regulations require web sites to be registered to an individual person. The web site,, and all social media, is owned by the Club, Tampa Bay Vettes Inc, and fees to renew this web site are paid yearly from the club treasury.  Each year the web site will be registered to the newly elected President. The President will not own the web site and transfer of registration will occur In January of each year.


Section 1. Members

Membership in the Club shall be available to adults who are Corvette owners or have an interest in Corvettes. A membership shall be an individual membership or family membership.

Section 2. Active Members

Any member with paid annual (Jan-Dec) dues and fees are current and considered an active member.

Section 3. Dues

A individual membership cost is $35.00 a year and will have (one) vote. A family membership, of (2) members, cost is $45.00 a year, and will have (2) votes each member having one vote.

Annual (Jan-Dec) dues shall be paid in full at time of application

If an application for membership is received in the 4th quarter of the calendar year, the membership will be active not only for the final quarter of the calendar year but also for the following calendar year.

The annual dues shall be due no later than December 31st of each year. All membership privileges will cease after January 31st for any unpaid dues. Club dues are not pro-rated and are not refundable for any reason 

Annual membership dues are waived for elected officers.

Section 4. Expulsion

Any member may be expelled for any infraction of club bylaws, or such other causes as may be determined by the majority of the voting members as not being in the best interest of The Club. Before such action is final, the member shall have the opportunity of submitting in writing or in person their position on any charge as stated.

An expelled member may apply for reinstatement by submitting a written request to the Board of Directors for review and approval.


Section 1. Annual Meeting

The annual meeting of the newly appointed Board of Directors shall be held before the regular February club meeting.  Transfer to the new Board of all web sites, social media sites, club funds, records will be accomplished before the regular February club meeting.

Section 2. Monthly Meetings

The regular Club meeting shall be held on the second Wednesday of each month.

Section 3. Special Meetings

The President or the majority of the Officers may call special meetings of the Officers or members.

Section 4. Quorum

At all monthly Club meetings, a quorum is defined as all attending members.


Section 1. Officers

The membership shall elect from its members a President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer, Director of Membership and Director of Communications (web site manager).  Each Officer is jointly designated a Director. The Officers constitute the Board of Directors of The Club.

Section 2.  Nominations

Nominations for officers will be solicited from active members at the monthly club meetings in October through November.  Each member has the right to submit their name for a specific office.  All nominations will be announced at the November meeting.  Voting will take place at the December meeting.

Section 3. Elections

Final results of the newly elected Club Officers will be at the Annual Club meeting on the second Wednesday in December. All officers shall be elected by a majority vote of all active members in attendance.  Each active member shall have one vote.  A family of two will have one vote each.

In the event only one person presents for an office, that person will be installed in the office and the elections will be complete.  There will be no need for any further voting.

Section 4. Term of Office

The term of any Officer shall be one (1) calendar year (Jan-Dec). Any current Officer may succeed themselves in the same office if re-elected. 

Section 5. Vacancies

Vacancies in the Officer positions shall be filled by appointment by the Board of Directors via a majority vote to finish the un-expired term.


Section 1. Duties of the President

The President shall preside at all meetings of the members and the Board of Directors. The President shall perform all the duties of his office and may call Special meetings of the Board of Directors and members under the provisions of Article III.

Section 2. Duties of the Vice-President

In the absence of the President or in the case of the President’s resignation or inability or refusal to act, all the duties usually appertaining to that office shall be performed by the Vice President. During all meetings the Vice-President shall act as or appoint a member to act as the Master of Arms to keep the meeting organized and on track.

Section 3. Duties of the Secretary

The Secretary shall attend all meetings of the members and Directors and record all minutes and votes. The Secretary shall keep a roll call of members attending meetings. In the absence of the Secretary from any of the meetings, the secretary will appoint someone to record the minutes. Records of past reports will be available upon request.

Section 4. Duties of the Treasurer

The Treasurer shall, subject to such conditions and restrictions as may be made by the Directors, have custody of all monies, debts and legal obligations The Club may be responsible for including payment to the State of Florida for the Annual Incorporation Fee.

The Treasurer shall receive all monies of payments of club income. Treasurer shall be able to pay any and all approved Club obligations up to $500.00 without permission of the Board of Directors. Treasurer shall be required to obtain approval of the Board of Directors for all obligations over $500.00. Approval to pay obligations in excess of $500.00 must be by majority vote of the active members except for disbursement to the charity Unity in the Community. 

The Treasurer is required to give a verbal report at each meeting, giving monthly disbursements, deposits, and present balance.  Records of past reports will be available upon request.

In the event the club is disbanded, after all financial obligations have been paid, any remaining funds in the treasury will be distributed to Unity in the Community.

Section 5.  Duties of the Director of Membership 

The Membership Director will serve as a primary representative for promoting supporting and retaining membership in our Club.  The Director will be responsible for maintaining, in conjunction with the web site, an up-to-date record of all members. The Director will give a verbal report at monthly meetings, introducing new members and visitors.  The Director sends a welcoming information letter to each new member and provides name tags and vehicle decals for members.

Section 6.  Duties of the Director of Communications

The Communication Director serves as the central point of contact for all community service, show and event requests for the Club.  The Director maintains all social media accounts.  The Director will report at monthly meetings on upcoming approved Club events. 

Section 7. Board Committees

The Board shall be permitted to designate and establish any committee they deem appropriate to promote and operate the club. The Committee Chairs shall be appointed by the President and the board, and the appointed Chairs will not be voting members of the Board of Directors.


Section 1. Officer Liability

The private property of the Board of Directors or any Club Officer shall not be subject to use for the payment of debts or obligations of The Club in any amount and to any extent whatsoever, nor shall any member of the Board of Directors or any Club Officer be held personally liable for any debt, damages, liability, act or obligation of The Club. 

In the event of any law suit being filed against Tampa Bay Vettes, club funds will be used to pay any and/or all legal fees.

. Amendment

Section 1. Amendments to the Bylaws:

The Board of Directors or any ten active members may, by a written proposal submitted to the secretary, propose an amendment to the Bylaws. Any proposals must be submitted to the secretary at least fourteen (14) days prior to the next meeting. If proposed by the members, the submitted proposal must also include the names of the members who drafted the proposal. Upon such a proposal being made, the Secretary will notify all Members in the notice of the next meeting of the Membership. This notice will occur at least seven (7) days prior to the next regularly scheduled meeting. If a majority of the members in attendance representing a quorum, vote in favor of the proposal at the meeting, the proposed amendment shall thereby be approved and adopted.

Approved by Membership Vote 12-11-2024